About Heliocan

Heliocan was incorporated with the sole dedication to provide customers the possibility to capture one of the cleanest, virtually inexhaustible and free renewable energy from the nature - the solar energy.

Headquartered in Quebec, Canada, we are focused on commercial, self-consumption or off-grid scale renewable energy developments. Our goal is to help others to sustainably build, own and operate solar generation projects all over the World.

We offer a wide range of high quality solar products and efficient solar power solutions. Heliocan focus on building long term partnership with integrators of PV systems and cost-effective energy providers. We use the best components from well-established partners from Japan, USA, Germany and India and we obtained an excellent and stable quality with competitive warranties.

Our Vision

Our vision is built around the importance of diversity and innovations - variety of renewable power generation technologies, geografical location and lifecycle of the project. As a value-based organisation we believe that earning trust and support from communities and developers is important to enhance our ability to make positive changes in the ways of power generation.

We always strive to follow the latest developments in the Renewable Technologies and to implement all innovations to be of benefit to the end customer. Our approach is to pay attention on each project and each detail of this project, only then the result would be successful.


Projects Gallery

Contact Us

For general inquiries please contact our head office.

Address: 470 Cr. de Bernieres, Laval, Qc, H7G 4M9, Canada
Telephone: +1-514-577-1216
FAX: +1-450-933-0991
E-mail: info@heliocan.com