Direct your Energy

How much energy do we use?

Worldwide energy consumption in 2013, total world energy consumption was 9,301 Mtoe, or 3.89×1020  joules, equal to an average power consumption of 12.3 Terawatts. Solar energy accounts for less than 1% of that amount.

Solar power isn’t just the energy source of tomorrow – increasingly for people all over the world, in your country and in your neighbourhood, solar is the energy source of today. Here are some practical and popular ways that solar energy is used:

Small independent solar photovoltaic systems

We see these used everywhere, from calculators to garden lights. Portable units can be used for everything from RV appliances while single panel systems are used for traffic signs and remote monitoring stations. Add a battery to the system to collect excess solar energy for use when light is low. Also tied to the grid as a secondary power source.

Integrating solar photovoltaic energy into your home or business power

In many parts of the world, solar photovoltaic is an economically feasible way to supplement the power of your home. In Japan, photovoltaics are competitive with other forms of power. In the US, new incentive programs make this form of solar energy even more viable in many states. An increasingly popular and practical way of integrating solar energy into the power of your home or business is through the use of building integrated solar photovoltaics.

Large photovoltaic systems

If you have enough sun power at your site, you may be able to go off grid or become a clean energy producer by interconnecting your photovoltaic power plant to the utility grid. You may also integrate or hybridize your solar energy system with wind power or other forms of renewable energy.

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Address: 470 Cr. de Bernieres, Laval, Qc, H7G 4M9, Canada
Telephone: +1-514-577-1216
FAX: +1-450-933-0991